

Patrick H.C. Liu, PD(Optom), NERF IOS (1997)


Tel.: (852) 2391-9188

Jam H Day, Tode D. Winkler, Rodger T. Kame,
National Eye Research Foundation

Copyright (C), 1996 Patrick H.C. Liu
Copyright & Disclaimer

1: Definition of Orthokeratololgy
2: Description of ortho-K
3: History of ortho-K
4: Typical Program of orhto-K
5: Merits of ortho-K
6: Future of ortho-K

1. Definition of Orthokeratololgy

Orthokeratology is a nonsurgical contact lens program to control the progression of or to temporarily reduce or eliminate myopia and astigmatism.

Myopia = nearsightedness

Astigmatism = cylindrical refractive error mainly coming from aspheric cornea.

2. Description of ortho-K

In simply description, Orthokeratology is a program of fitting gas permeable contact lenses with very high oxygen permeability to give corneal mold effect smoothing out the myopia and astigmatism. These lenses produce a temporary improvement in unaided visual acuity (UVA) by reducing refractive error.
You could be an ideal candidate if you are suffering from low to moderate amounts of myopia (near-sightedness) and astigmatism (cylindrical error) are easily treated with this therapy.
If you are in high myope, orth-K not only gives you stable vision with the usual wear of contact lenses but also reduce your myopic error in the extend of 3D to 7D.

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3. History of ortho-K

Starting from the 1950s these lenses have been being improving from decade to decade, from no gas permeability material to very high oxygen permeability material, from old design of lens to the most advanced current one. Since 1962, it has been estimated that more than 1.2 million patients have benefited from orthokeratologic correction.
(Wesley NK. National Eye Research Foundation Global I Congress, Chicago, July 16-18, 1993)

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4. Typical Program of orhto-K

The typical program is as follows:-

[Phase 1]
Reshape the cornea and adapt to rigid lens wear for about 1 to 6 weeks. Vision is corrected to 20/20 ro uncorrected natural functional vision during this phase.

[Phase 2]

The holding phase keeps the eye shape stable for 3 to 6 months, this is the phase to train the tissue to be stable over a 24 hour period.

[Phase 3]

This is a wearing off phase, the final pair of ortho-K is called to be the "Retainer Lens" for retainer wear schedule determined on an individual basis. Some case is at best need a few hours a week, or at worst 2 to 4 hrs per day of wearing a day. And, quite often, under great care of accessment, every night wear alone sleeping with retainer lens and putting off next morning is used and effective enough.

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5. Merits of ortho-K

The best merit of Ortho-K: You have all future options open.
Including future prescription changes. Tissue is 100% maintained and conservative treatment should always be the FIRST choice.

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6 Future of ortho-K

In the future, a drug enhancement will make retainer wear unnecessary. CorneaPlasty-tm allows you to have a reshaped cornea that does not rebound to prior shape. It is under FDA study and is not available to the public.

Primary Care Optometry News ---SLACK Incorporated

Ortho-K remains effective alternative to refractive surgery

For certain levels of myopia, orthokeratology can still be offered as an option to radial keratotomy and photorefractive keratectomy.

Ortho-K gains favor in wake of excimer laser approval

PRK has prompted patients to consider vision correction alternatives, and many say ortho-K is seizing its part of that niche.

by Gregory Sandler

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